This project was done during the time I worked for Copenhagen Capacity. Copenhagen Capacity attracts international companies, investment, and professional talent to Denmark and the Greater Copenhagen Region.
It was time to update and breathe new life into the brand's visual identity. We wanted the new identity to reflect Copenhagen's Capacity's values and be able to evolve with company and its employees in the years to come.
As a part of the project we have created a new design guide manual, a brand film, updated the company's website, as well as successfully presented it to the rest of the company and rolled it out across Copenhagen Capacity's communication channels.
I was involved in all steps of the process from research and conceptualizing, to production and the final pitch.
We have created a short brand film to present the new visual identity to the rest of the Copenhagen Capacity's employees and stakeholders, in an engaging and fun way.
Below is an overview of the new visual identity consisting of the updated color palette, typography and the graphic elements.
Copenhagen Capacity's website was updated and given a more modern and professional look – we have tried to incorporate the new visual identity through updated colors and shapes.
Below are the mock ups created for the design guide manual in order to show how the new visual identity can be used and scaled up or down depending on the specific project across print materials, merch and social media.